Happy traveling, savvy calling…and vice versa

Want to stay connected without going broke this travel season? No matter where you go, with or without Internet, OneSuite offers unbeatable low rates and worldwide coverage for you to reach friends, family and colleagues.
All OneSuite users can use the following methods to make call worldwide, subscription-free. SuiteAdvantage subscribers will also be able to receive FREE calls and voicemail worldwide on their SuiteAdvantage phone number, using the OneSuite VoIP app or computer softphone!
All New OneSuite Phone - Windows PC
We've just launched the all new OneSuite Phone for PC users, compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7!
Download or upgrade to our new softphone and enjoy direct calling without dialing access numbers and PINs! Make calls from anywhere to anywhere in the world with Internet access.
Here's how to set up your OneSuite Phone:
All New OneSuite Phone - Mac
Great news! The all new OneSuite Phone is also available for Mac users!
Download our all new softphone and enjoy direct calling without dialing access numbers and PINs! Make calls from anywhere to anywhere in the world with Internet access.
Here's how to set up OneSuite Phone on your Mac:
Enter “1 Sweet Day” Photo Contest – to win 1-year of free calling between you & a friend!
OneSuite’s 1 Sweet Day Facebook photo contest kicks off today!
We’ve been lucky to help you make calls the world over. And now, we’d like to celebrate sweet days the world over, with your favorite photos.
Enter and you could win 1-year of free calling with a friend, anywhere in the world, plus 2 free Cisco IP phones. See how…
How to Get Free Calls with VoIP and IP Phones
Whether it’s called a VoIP, voice over IP, IP, or SIP phone, all these terms basically refer to one thing: your phone can make calls over the Internet, to both other VoIP numbers and traditional phone numbers.
So read on to find out how to leverage the Internet to make free international calls through VoIP on IP phones:
VoIP is great, but how do I use it?
Digital phone, Internet phone, VoIP, it’s all the same thing. And you can get it right here at OneSuite for a ridiculously low price, without binding contracts!
The most “advantageous” part of using SuiteAdvantage is BYOD – bring your own device! Sounds like a party? It is, because you get to have fun and choose.
Based on your calling habits and planned budget, you can choose from our suggested usage methods:
X-Lite 4.0 Free Softphone
Last week I’ve found out that Counterpath released their latest free softphone, the X-Lite 4.0. I decided to try it and give it a short review and share it with OneSuite blog readers. X-Lite 4.0 is built on the same telephony platform as the previous X-Lite; however, X-Lite 4.0 provides a completely new user interface. While X-Lite 3.0 was predominantly dial pad-centric, X-Lite 4.0 provides a choice of a contact-centric experience, a dial pad-centric experience, or a combination of the two. I am pretty happy with X-Lite 3.0 but like many people, I’m excited when new version comes out so I decided to download, install and use it.
Free Softphone from Portsip
Last year I reviewed three alternative free softphones for Onesuite VoIP service and Pangolin is one of them. PortSip made an improvement to its softphone and renamed it PortGo. Visually it looks the same albeit for the name change. Features-wise it stayed the same but I think it has less bugs and overall experience is improved.
PortGo is built based on PortSIP VoIP SDK, allowing users to enjoy multimedia communications in a dynamic way.
Feature Comparisons of OneSuite Compatible Free Softphones
Although I’ve posted articles about these softphone features and configuration instructions individually, I thought it would be a good idea to put them side by side for easy comparison. Hope this chart is helpful for our broadband access users and SuiteAdvantage subscribers, especially for those with different operating systems!
How to Improve VoIP Call Quality
If you're starting a home or small office, chances are you might be considering using a VoIP service rather than getting another analog phone line. One main drawback in making VoIP calls compared with regular landline is the quality of the connection. VoIP call quality and reliability depends on a number of factors.